Our Membership
Congregation Etz Chaim is innovative and creative, embracing diverse experiences that encompass the traditional and the contemporary. We are:
A warm, friendly community that will embrace you during the good times and support you during the difficult ones.
We meet your social and life needs – bikkur cholim (visiting the sick and providing support as needed); minyanim and other support in times of loss.
Strong lay leadership and numerous service leaders “extraordinaire” with opportunities for you to participate at whatever level is comfortable now, and to grow in your mastery and leadership roles.
Informal dress—come as you are—we are egalitarian, inclusive and hamisha (friendly & down-to-earth)
Lively Friday night service, meaningful Saturday morning service, weekday minyan Thursday morning, followed by “lox, shots and blocks.”
Many stimulating opportunities to stretch your Jewish learning with our talented teachers. Previous class offerings included "Torah on Tap", a course on Death and Dying, prayer exploration, sisterhood “Dinner and D’var” events at local restaurants, and adult education following Shabbat morning Kiddush.
The best food in town! Special kiddushes and Shabbat dinners are prepared by our congregants in our very own kosher kitchen.
Challenging your preconceptions of synagogue life… We are a place where “everyone knows your name.”
Membership options to meet your specific needs, including associate membership if your primary membership is with another congregation.
Let our family become your family, and watch your spirituality, connection to Judaism, and your leadership skills grow and thrive in our warm, inclusive, supportive, hamisha community.